Hoosac Valley Division

In 1886, The Hoosac Valley Street Railway was created to connect Adams Mass. and North Adams with a 6 mile horse railroad. In New York, the Hoosick Railway started up in 1893, to connect Hoosick Falls with Walloomsac, it later consolidated with The Bennington Electric Railroad Company in 1898 to form the Bennington and Hoosick Valley Railroad.

All Photos Courtesy Of The Smith/Bradford Collection


Hoosick Railway #8 at the Hoosick Falls Barn in 1895. The first trip from Hoosick Falls to Bennington was July 1st, 1898.

Hoosac Valley Street Railway #1 "Renfrew

Hoosac Valley Street Railway #39

Car #3, "Hoosac"

Hoosick Falls Street Railway #15 leaving Bennington on her way to Hoosick Falls

Hoosac Valley Street Railway #72, built by Wason in 1903

Hoosac Valley Street Railway #15, built by Jackson & Sharp in 1896

Bennington & Hoosac Street Railway #8 at Bennington


Bennington & Hoosac Street Railway #8 at Hoosick Falls in 1914


Bennington & Hoosac Street Railway #10 at North Bennington in 1908

Bennington And Hoosac Valley #12, built by the Jones Company. The last run of the Hoosick Line from Hoosick Falls to Bennington was on May 31, 1927.


Berkshire Street Railway #71 at the Williamstown Wye. This car was built by Jones in 1900


Another shot of the Wye, this time cars 90 and 95 are shown with an unidentified car. 90 and 95 were built by Wason in 1906 and 1907

See the Pittsfield Division/Berkshire Street Railway Beginnings

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